Scott's Journey: A Story of Astrophotography and Innovation


阅读时间 2 min

Are you a stargazer? Do you love astrophotography? Meet Scott, a passionate astrophotographer and Youtuber who turned his hobby into a part-time job. Scott (Youtube channel ScottCastrophotography) has been fascinated with the cosmos since he was a child, and he used to rely on a conventional Orion telescope to capture the beauty of the universe. However, in 2022, he discovered DWARFLAB and their smart telescope, DWARF II.

At first, Scott was skeptical about the small size of the DWARF II telescope. He couldn't believe that such a tiny device could capture images of objects as far away as galaxies and nebulas. But after watching a YouTube review of the product, he was amazed at its capabilities and pre-ordered one for himself.

When Scott received the DWARF II, he was surprised at how light and compact it was. He immediately fell in love with astrophotography all over again and began using the DWARF II to capture stunning images of deep space objects (DSO).

Scott was so impressed with the DWARF II that he decided to reach out to the DWARFLAB team and request a live interview. He wanted to learn more about how the smart telescope was invented and why it was designed in such a unique shape.

Check out the live interview with DWARFLAB host by Scott.

During the interview, Scott discovered that the DWARF II was designed to be compact and portable, making it easy for stargazers to take it anywhere they wanted to go. The DWARFLAB team explained that they wanted to create a smart telescope that would be accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of expertise.

When DWARFLAB launched the DWARF II demo on Kickstarter and Indiegogo, it had huge success with over 5,000 backers. DWARFLAB took a hard effort to find suitable suppliers to assemble the DWARF II, and eventually delivered all the products to DWARF II backers. Then DWARFLAB decided to sell DWARF II directly on their official website, and all the orders are shipped directly from the vendor. In such a way, DWARFLAB can cut down the sales channel cost and sell DWARF II at a competitive price.

Scott's experience with the DWARF II has been nothing short of amazing. He no longer has to lug around a bulky telescope to capture stunning images of deep space objects. Instead, he can take his DWARF II with him wherever he goes and capture images that are just as impressive as those taken with larger telescopes.

If you're an astrophotography enthusiast like Scott, you owe it to yourself to check out DWARFLAB's smart telescopes. With their compact size and impressive capabilities, you'll be able to capture stunning images of the cosmos like never before. Don't let bulky telescopes hold you back from exploring the beauty of deep space. 

DWARFLAB: What is the biggest challenge when you learn astrophotography?

Scott: I think it is patience. You may encounter bad weather, like clouds and rain. And you have to wait.
When there is a clear sky, and you take some good photos, then you need to do post-processing. This part can be a daunting job, many people give up.

DWARFLAB: Do you have any advice for beginners who are learning astrophotography?

Scott: First of all, always be patient, and remember to take Astro dark. When taking photos, get as long exposure as you can, that will decrease the noise. Then it comes to the post-processing, when you have the difficulties, don't forget to ask for help from Astro communities, like Cloudy Nights and the DWARF II smart telescope users group.

Do you have your own story about DWARFLAB or astrophotography? Reach us at