2023 DWARFLAB Recap


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In 2023, it has been a year of challenges and achievements for DWARFLAB. The successful delivery and spot sale of DWARF II have brought together more astrophotography enthusiasts and astronomy lovers in our community. It has also encouraged many novice astrophotographers to take their first steps in this exciting field. As the new year approaches, let's take a moment to reflect on DWARFLAB's 2023 journey through a simple blog post, revisiting our astronomical photography adventure together.

Milestones in 2023

January: Crowdfunding Products Shipping

crowdfunding products shipping

2. May: In-Stock Sales Begins

In-Stock Sales Begins

3. August: Amazon Store Launched

Amazon Store Launched

4. October: New App Preview Live

 New App Preview Live

5. December: New App Release

new app release

DWARFLAB Community Growth

dwarflab fans community
