Behind the Scenes: A Sneak Peek into the DWARF 3 Telescope Trial Production Journey
Temps de lecture 0 min
Temps de lecture 0 min
Greetings, fellow Dwarfies, we're thrilled to take you on an exclusive, behind-the-scenes tour of our DWARF 3 telescope production facility. Strap in for the show!
The Birthplace of Precision: Dust-Free Assembly
Our journey begins in a ten-thousand-class dust-free workstation. Here, the optical module of DWARF 3 is assembled, ensuring pristine clarity for your stargazing experience.
Quality Assurance: Optical Performance Testing
Next, we conduct rigorous optical performance tests to ensure top-notch image resolution and color accuracy, avoiding any optical aberrations.
The Chassis: Housing the Technology
Optical modules and Motor modules are then placed into the casing, and the base is attached, transforming the components into a fully functional DWARF 3 skeleton.
The Final Touches: Perfection in Every Detail
After extensive testing, the final cover pieces are added. DWARF 3 is now ready to explore the universe with you.
The Durability Test: Randomized Trials for Resilience
This batch undergoes randomized trials to test resilience against vibration, extreme temperatures, and humidity, ensuring reliability.
Ready for the Stars: Mass Production and Beyond
We are meticulously testing this trial batch to prepare for mass production. Our team is eager to get DWARF 3 into your hands, stay tuned and get ready to capture the cosmos's beauty now.